Mallory Rat
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Mallory Rat


Cooking Glossary

A list of words and phrases used in recipes, and what they really mean

Word or Phrase Fold the egg whites
What it means Sometimes you need to mix two ingredients that are quite different, such as very light and fluffy beaten egg whites and thick and heavy whipped cream. If you beat them together the egg whites wont be fluffy anymore, so you do something called 'folding'. The heavier mixture is put in a large bowl and the lighter one is placed on top of it. Starting at the back of the bowl, you use a spatula to fold the ingredients together. Put the spatula into the mix at the back of the bowl, push down to the bottom of the bowl, pull forwards and come up at the front of the bowl. Turn the bowl through 90 degrees and do it again. Repeat this for a while and you will have very gently mixed the two ingredients together .

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